36 DAYS OF TYPE 2015 is a project that invites creatives of all sorts,
to share their interpretation of letters and numbers for 36 consecutive days on Instagram.
I took this opportunity to experiment with different media, styles and techniques.
It was hard to keep the pace sometimes, trying to set aside some time from your working day to dedicate to the project.
These letters were created daily - non pre-made letters where posted, I believe it would have taken the fun out of it.
My attempt was not to create a consistent "font" but truly have fun and, again, experiment as much as possible.
I worked with Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, markers, papers, pens, paint and a spirograph.
I used Hand-lettering, Calligraphy, Quilling and Molding.
This 2nd Edition of the project took place from April to May 2015.